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Abstract zur Publikation: Gene expression of the human Torque Teno Virus isolate P/1C1

Mueller B, Maerz A, Doberstein K, Finsterbusch T, Mankertz A (2008): Gene expression of the human Torque Teno Virus isolate P/1C1
Virology 381 (1): 36-45.

Torque Teno Virus (TTV) has been assigned to the floating genus Anellovirus. TTV ssDNA genomes have a size of 3.6 to 3.8 kb and display up to 30% nucleotide diversity. The pathogenic potential of TTV is under investigation. To address a putative link of pathogenicity with the observed sequence variations, the transcription profile of P/1C1 (genogroup 1) isolated from a patient diseased with a non A-G hepatitis was analysed. Four mRNAs were identified, which encoded the seven proteins ORF1, ORF1/1, ORF1/2, ORF2, ORF2/2, ORF3 and ORF4. Expression of the ORF1 protein and its splice variant ORF1/1 in cell culture was detected by an ORF1-specific antiserum. Analysis of N-terminal tagged P/1C1-encoded proteins revealed that ORF1, ORF1/1 and ORF1/2 were localised in the nucleoli, ORF3 and ORF4 resided in the nucleoplasm, ORF2/2 appeared either in the nucleoli or the whole nucleus while ORF2 was the only protein seen in the cytoplasm.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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