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Abstract zur Publikation: Assessment of environmental worry in health related settings: reevaluation and modification of an environmental worry scale

Rethage T, Eis D et al. (2008): Assessment of environmental worry in health related settings: reevaluation and modification of an environmental worry scale
Int. J. Hyg. Environ. Health 211 (1-2): 105-113.

The aim of this article was to re-evaluate and possibly modify the standardized Environmental Worry Scale (EWS) by Hodapp et al. [1996. Evaluation eines Fragebogens zur Erfassung von Umweltbesorgnis. Z. Gesundheitspsychologie IV(1), 22-36] with regard to its content and structure. In order to do this, 161 participants were chosen as a reference group to take part in a survey. The data were analyzed and a factor analysis yielded two instead of one component of worry, namely "personal" and "general" environmental worry, leading to a new evaluation method. This revised evaluation method was then applied to patients (n=227) with or without self-reported multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and thus used in the context of reported health complaints. The outlined results indicate that the assessment of worry as proposed by Hodapp et al. [1996. Evaluation eines Fragebogens zur Erfassung von Umweltbesorgnis. Z. Gesundheitspsychologie IV(1), 22-36] should be elaborated by the newly developed evaluation method with which a ratio determined by "personal" and "general" worry can be calculated. In addition to analyzing the absolute quantity of worry, the calculated ratio allows to draw conclusions on the structure of worry. It will be discussed to what extent the results present new insights into the role of worry among patients suffering from environmental diseases.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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