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Abstract zur Publikation: Successfully treated Candida krusei infection of the lumbar spine with combined caspofungin/posaconazole therapy

Schilling A, Seibold M, Mansmann V, Gleissner B (2008): Successfully treated Candida krusei infection of the lumbar spine with combined caspofungin/posaconazole therapy
Med. Mycol. 46 (1): 79-83.

Candidal vertebral osteomyelitis represents an extremely rare invasive mycosis and can be difficult to treat due to poor drug penetration into bony tissue. We report on a case of vertebral osteomyelitis caused by Candida krusei in a patient who had neutropenia as a result of chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukaemia. The patient received prophylactic liposomal amphotericin B during chemotherapy but became febrile and experienced severe lumbar pain. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed vertebral osteochondrosis. C. krusei was recovered from blood cultures and voriconazole monotherapy was initiated but proved unsuccessful. The patient was then started on caspofungin monotherapy, which was discontinued after Candida krusei was no longer recoverable from blood cultures. However, as lumbar pain increased and spinal biopsy confirmed the presence of Candida krusei, caspofungin therapy was resumed. Oral posaconazole was added to the regimen when the patient did not improve after 30 days of caspofungin therapy. Combined antimycotic therapy resulted in a successful outcome.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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