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Abstract zur Publikation: Re-identification of clinical isolates of the Pseudallescheria boydii-complex involved in near-drowning

Tintelnot K, Wagner N, Seibold M, de Hoog GS, Horré R (2008): Re-identification of clinical isolates of the Pseudallescheria boydii-complex involved in near-drowning
Mycoses 51 (Suppl 3): 11-16.

Fungal infections caused by the members of the genera Pseudallescheria and/or Scedosporium are important complications in patients after near-drowning. As the taxonomy of Pseudallescheria and Scedosporium has been revised, clinical isolates from 11 patients, after near-drowning, previously identified as P. boydii or S. apiospermum had to be re-identified. S. apiospermum, now separated from P. boydii as a distinct species, was found most frequently (n = 8), while S. aurantiacum, recently described as new species and P. boydii were less common (n = 2 and n = 1, respectively). Three patients near-drowned during the Tsunami 2004 were infected by different species of the P. boydii complex. In vitro testing resulted in lowest minimal inhibitory concentration (MICs) for voriconazole (range 0.25–2.0 μg ml−1).







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