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Abstract zur Publikation: Cell cycle-independent expression of immediate-early gene 3 results in G1 and G2 arrest in murine cytomegalovirus-infected cells

Wiebusch L, Neuwirth A, Grabenhenrich L, Voigt S, Hagemeier C (2008): Cell cycle-independent expression of immediate-early gene 3 results in G1 and G2 arrest in murine cytomegalovirus-infected cells
J. Virol. 82 (20): 10188-10198. Epub 2008 Jul 30.

The infectious cycle of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is intricately linked to the host's cell cycle. Viral gene expression can be initiated only in G0/G1 phase. Once expressed, the immediate-early gene product IE2 prevents cellular DNA synthesis, arresting infected cells with a G1 DNA content. This function is required for efficient viral replication in vitro. A prerequisite for addressing its in vivo relevance is the characterization of cell cycle-regulatory activities of CMV species for which animal models have been established. Here, we show that murine CMV (MCMV), like HCMV, has a strong antiproliferative capacity and arrests cells in G1. Unexpectedly, and in contrast to HCMV, MCMV can also block cells that have passed through S phase by arresting them in G2. Moreover, MCMV can also replicate in G2 cells. This is made possible by the cell cycle-independent expression of MCMV immediate-early genes. Transfection experiments show that of several MCMV candidate genes, only immediate-early gene 3 (ie3), the homologue of HCMV IE2, exhibits cell cycle arrest activity. Accordingly, an MCMV ie3 deletion mutant has lost the ability to arrest cells in either G1 or G2. Thus, despite interspecies variations in the cell cycle dependence of viral gene expression, the central theme of HCMV IE2-induced cell cycle arrest is conserved in the murine counterpart, raising the possibility of studying its physiological relevance at the level of the whole organism.







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