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Abstract zur Publikation: Berlin Declaration on Tuberculosis: High Level Follow-Up of High Priority Countries for TB Control in the WHO-EURO Region ‘Double Trouble or Double Success? Bringing Together Diseases and Programs’– ein Symposiumsbericht

Castell S, Hauer B, Manissero D, Ulrichs T, Zaleskis R, Loddenkemper R (2010): Berlin Declaration on Tuberculosis: High Level Follow-Up of High Priority Countries for TB Control in the WHO-EURO Region ‘Double Trouble or Double Success? Bringing Together Diseases and Programs’– ein Symposiumsbericht
Pneumologie 64 (7): 422-429.

Die globale Tuberkulosesituation hat sich seit Anfang der 1990er-Jahre dramatisch verschlechtert. 2007 hat die WHO 18 Länder in der WHO-Europaregion als „high priority countries” identifiziert und einen Plan vorgestellt, wie der Situation begegnet werden kann. Um weitere Lösungen zu befördern, fand 2007 ein Ministerforum der Staaten der WHO-Europaregion in Berlin statt, das in die gemeinsame Unterzeichnung der „Berliner Deklaration” mündete. Im Oktober 2009 fand im Sinne dieser Deklaration unter Federführung des deutschen Bundesgesundheitsministeriums ein Symposium statt: „Berlin Declaration on Tuberculosis: High Level Follow-Up of High Priority Countries For TB Control In The WHO-EURO Region ‘Double Trouble or Double Success? Bringing Together Diseases and Programs'”. Der vorliegende Beitrag fasst dieses zusammen. Neben aktuellen epidemiologischen Situationen der WHO-Europaregion mit zum Teil dramatischen Entwicklungen wurden psychosoziale Themen, die Rolle der EU und des „Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria”, die Bedeutung neuer Instrumente zur Tuberkulosebekämpfung und die Notwendigkeit weiteren politischen Engagements dargestellt.

The global tuberculosis (TB) situation has deteriorated dramatically since the beginning of the 1990s. In 2007, the WHO identified 18 countries of the WHO European Region as ‘high priority countries' and introduced a plan for these countries to improve the situation. To further promote solutions a WHO European Ministerial Forum ‘All against Tuberculosis' took place in Berlin in 2007 and resulted in the ‘Berlin Declaration' which was commonly endorsed. In October 2009 a meeting was organized by the German Ministry of Health under the title „Berlin Declaration on Tuberculosis: High Level Follow-Up of High Priority Countries for TB Control in the WHO-EURO Region ‘Double Trouble or Double Success? Bringing together Diseases and Programs'”. This article summarizes the symposium. Besides reporting on the recent epidemiological situation of the WHO-EURO Region (with partly dramatically developments) presentations on psychosocial issues, the role of the EU and the ‘Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria', the importance of new tools for the fight against tuberculosis and the need for further political commitment were given.







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