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Abstract zur Publikation: Interplay between influenza A virus and the innate immune signaling

Ehrhardt C, Seyer R, Hrincius ER, Eierhoff T, Wolff T, Ludwig S (2010): Interplay between influenza A virus and the innate immune signaling
Microbes Infect. 12 (1): 81-87. Epub 2009 Sep 25.

Pathogens such as influenza A viruses (IAV) have to overcome a number of barriers defined and maintained by the host, to successfully establish an infection. One of the initial barriers is collectively characterized as the innate immune system. This is a broad anti-pathogen defense program that ranges from the action of natural killer cells to the induction of an antiviral cytokine response. In this article we will focus on new developments and discoveries concerning the interaction of IAV with the cellular innate immune signaling. We discuss new mechanisms of interference of IAV with the pathogen recognition receptor RIG-I and the type I IFN antagonist NS1 in the background of already known and established concepts. Further we summarize progress related to recently identified IFN induced proteins and the role of RNA interference in the context of IAV infection.







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