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Abstract zur Publikation: Short Communication: Simultaneous Substitutions of V38M and N43T-N44K in the gp41 Heptad Repeat 1 (HR1) Disrupt HIV Type 1 gPr160 Endoproteolytic Cleavage

Morozov VA, Morozov AV, Lagaye S (2010): Short Communication: Simultaneous Substitutions of V38M and N43T-N44K in the gp41 Heptad Repeat 1 (HR1) Disrupt HIV Type 1 gPr160 Endoproteolytic Cleavage
AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses 26 (1): 73-77. Epub Jan 7.

We cloned and sequenced gp41 HIV-1 from plasma of AIDS patients under HAART and T-20 (enfuvirtide, Fuzeon) therapy and revealed several T-20 resistance-associated mutations. Two mutations, a single V38A and a double N43T-N44K were the most frequent; however, they were not found together in one clone. We anticipated that simultaneous mutations of these three residues might play a vital role in the viral life cycle. To address this problem, we introduced N43T-N44K and V38M+N43T–N44K substitutions to a cloned gp41 and introduced modified gp41 into the pNL4-3 molecular clone. HEK293T cells were transfected with the obtained vectors and released viruses were examined for reverse transcriptase (RT) activity, infectivity on reporter TZM-bl cells, and in Western blotting. Nearly equal RT activity was demonstrated in viruses with and without mutations. However, viruses with the V38M+N43T–N44K mutations were not infectious and, as shown by Western blotting, gPr160 cleavage was impaired. These data suggest that V38M+N43T–N44K mutations perturbed the natural conformation of gPr160 in a way that access of furin to the cleavage site (REKR) was blocked. Therefore, the residues V38+N43–N44 retain the gPr160 conformation in proximity to the furin cleavage site and, as a consequence, are critical for virus infectivity. These data may explain why viruses with V38MþN43T–N44K mutations were not previously detected in the plasma of T-20-experienced patients.







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