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Abstract zur Publikation: The "original" Hepatitis B virus of Eastern chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii)

Mugisha L, Kaiser M, Ellerbrok H, Pauli G, Opuda-Asibo J, Joseph OO, Leendertz FH (2010): The "original" Hepatitis B virus of Eastern chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii)
Virus Res.: Epub Oct 20.

Little is known about Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) infections in chimpanzees. Therefore, we investigated the prevalence of chimpanzee HBV (chHBV) infections in captive, wild born chimpanzees in the sanctuary on Ngamba Island, Uganda and one sample from a wild free ranging chimpanzee. In one third of the plasma samples (32.4%; 12/37) we detected antibodies to hepatitis B (core) antigen. Amongst those individuals HBV DNA was detected in one captive wild born and the wild chimpanzee. In contrast to the only available earlier described HBV sequence from the subspecies Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii, there was no evidence of recombination with human HBV. Our sequences therefore are likely to present the “original” chHBV from P. t. schweinfurthii.







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