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Abstract zur Publikation: Reply letter. To Miller N. Comment on "Forecasting dengue vaccine demand in disease endemic and non-endemic countries" Amarasinghe et al; Hum Vaccines 2010; 6:9, 745-753

Amarasinghe A, Wichmann O, Margolis HS, Mahoney RT (2011): Reply letter. To Miller N. Comment on "Forecasting dengue vaccine demand in disease endemic and non-endemic countries" Amarasinghe et al; Hum Vaccines 2010; 6:9, 745-753
Hum. Vaccin. 7 (1): 131.

We acknowledge the comments by N. Miller on our estimates of the potential dengue vaccine demand among international travelers. We agree that the number of travelers in 2015-20 would be the appropriate baseline from which to generate vaccine demand for this group and would be comparable to what we used for dengue endemic countries. While projections for this time horizon are much more reliable for country populations, they are much more difficult to estimate for international traveler arrivals since these events are substantially influenced by global financial and local political developments.

Reply to: Miller N. Comment on “Forecasting dengue vaccine demand in disease endemic and non-endemic countries” Amarasinghe et al; Hum Vaccines 2010; 6:9, 745-753. Human Vaccines 2011; 7 (1): 129-130.







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