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Abstract zur Publikation: Multicast capacity of optical ring network with hotspot traffic: The bi-directional WDM packet ring

an der Heiden M, Sortais M et al. (2011): Multicast capacity of optical ring network with hotspot traffic: The bi-directional WDM packet ring
Optical Switching and Networking: Epub Jun 21. doi:10.1016/j.osn.2011.05.002.

Packet-switching WDM ring networks with a hotspot transporting unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic are important components of high-speed metropolitan area networks. For an arbitrary multicast fanout traffic model with uniform, hotspot destination, and hotspot source packet traffic, we analyze the maximum achievable long-run average packet throughput, which we refer to as multicast capacity, of bi-directional shortest path routed WDM rings. We identify three segments that can experience the maximum utilization, and thus, limit the multicast capacity. We characterize the segment utilization probabilities through bounds and approximations, which we verify through simulations. We discover that shortest path routing can lead to utilization probabilities above one half for moderate to large portions of hotspot source multi- and broadcast traffic, and consequently multicast capacities of less than two simultaneous packet transmissions. We outline a one-copy routing strategy that guarantees a multicast capacity of at least two simultaneous packet transmissions for arbitrary hotspot source traffic.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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