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Abstract zur Publikation: Gouléako virus isolated from West African mosquitoes constitutes a proposed novel genus in the family Bunyaviridae

Marklewitz M, Handrick S, Grasse W, Kurth A, Lukashev A, Drosten C, Ellerbrok H, Leendertz FH, Pauli G, Junglen S (2011): Gouléako virus isolated from West African mosquitoes constitutes a proposed novel genus in the family Bunyaviridae
J. Virol. 85 (17): 9227-9234. Epub Jun 29.

The familiy Bunyaviridae is the most diversified family of RNA viruses. We describe a novel prototypic bunyavirus, tentatively named Gouléako virus, isolated from various mosquito species trapped in Côte d'Ivoire. The S segment comprised 1,087 nt, the M segment 3,188 nt and the L segment 6,358 nt, constituting the shortest bunyavirus genome known so far. The virus had shorter genome termini compared to phleboviruses and showed no evidence of encoded NSs and NSm proteins. An uncharacterized 105 aa putative ORF was detected in the S segment. Genetic equidistance to other bunyaviruses (74-88% aa identity) and absence of serological cross-reactivity with phleboviruses suggested a proposed novel Bunyaviridae genus.
