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Abstract zur Publikation: The 'Motorik-Modul' (MoMo): physical fitness and physical activity in German children and adolescents

Woll A, Kurth BM et al. (2011): The 'Motorik-Modul' (MoMo): physical fitness and physical activity in German children and adolescents
Eur. J. Pediat. 170 (9): 1129-1142. Epub Feb 12. doi: 10.1007/s00431-010-1391-4.


The aim of the ‘Motorik-Modul’ (MoMo Basiserhebung, was to establish prevalence measurements on physical fitness and physical activity in German children and adolescents and to identify differences between age groups and genders. A total of 4,529 children and adolescents between the ages of 4–17 years from 167 cities across all states of the German Federation participated in this study. Sociodemographic parameters were recorded. Physical fitness was measured using endurance, strength, coordination and flexibility tests. Physical activity was assessed using a validated questionnaire, including aspects of physical activity participation (school/club/non-club), intensity of physical activity and type of activity. Chi-square tests and ANOVAS were used to compare groups and to detect age and gender effects, and data were compared with criterion-related guidelines by the WHO. For parameters describing physical fitness, age was the dominant influencing parameter. Many parameters showed increasing performance until the onset of puberty. Boys generally performed better than girls except in fine motor coordination during precision tasks and in flexibility. Physical activity was greater in older subjects with a greater intensity for adolescents who were physically active. The general activity level was similar to the data reported in the HBSC study by the WHO but lower than the recommended activity levels.


With the results of this study, nationwide representative prevalence data on physical fitness and physical activity are available. These data contribute to the scientific knowledge on the prevalence and conditions of physical fitness and physical activity.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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