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Abstract zur Publikation: Rotavirus Vaccine Effectiveness and Case-Contol Study on Risk Factors for Breakthrough Infections in Germany, 2010–2011

Adlhoch C, Höhne M, Littmann M, Mas Marques A, Lerche A, Dehnert M, Eckmanns T, Wichmann O, Koch J (2012): Rotavirus Vaccine Effectiveness and Case-Contol Study on Risk Factors for Breakthrough Infections in Germany, 2010–2011
Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J.: Epub Sep 4, doi: 10.1097/INF.0b013e3182720b71.

Background: In the German federal state Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (MW) routine rotavirus (RV) vaccination in infants is recommended since 2009. The effectiveness of RV-vaccination was investigated, after an unexpectedly high number of RV infections in fully vaccinated children occurred.

Methods: Intensified RV-surveillance was performed in MW in 2010–2011. The screening method was applied to assess vaccine effectiveness (VE) in children up to 24 months post vaccination. To identify risk factors for breakthrough infections, a case-control study and genotyping were conducted in vaccinated and unvaccinated RV-infected children.

Results: VE for the prevention of RV infection requiring medical attention or hospitalization was 68% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 61–71) and 80% (95%CI: 77–83), respectively. VE for preventing hospitalization but not medical attention remained stable over two years. Vaccinated were less often hospitalized (23%) than unvaccinated RV-infected children (61%; P<0.001). Breastfeeding (Odds ratio [OR]=3.99; 95%CI: 1.92–8.27) and attending daycare (OR=3.42; 95%CI: 1.64–7.12) were independently associated with breakthrough infections. Genotype G1P[8] was detected more frequently in RotaTeq(R)-vaccinated (44% vs. 11%; P<0.03) and G2P[4] in Rotarix(R)-vaccinated children (42% vs. 6%; P<0.02).

Conclusions: RV-vaccination protects young children effectively from RV-disease and can reduce disease severity. Breastfeeding might impair VE, but further research is needed to identify the critical time-window for this interference and to develop appropriate recommendations.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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