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Abstract zur Publikation: Early detection of infection chains & outbreaks: use case infection control.

Sargeant A, von Landesberger T, Baier C, Bange F, Dalpke A, Eckmanns T et al. (2019): Early detection of infection chains & outbreaks: use case infection control.
Stud. Health Technol. Inform. 258: 245-246. doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-959-1-245.

Within the HiGHmed Project there are three medical use cases. The use cases include the scopes cardiology, oncology and infection. They serve to specify the requirements for the development and implementation of a local and federated platform, with the result that data from medical care and research should be retrievable, reusable and interchangeable. The Use Case Infection Control aims to establish an early detection of transmission events as well as clusters and outbreaks of various pathogens. Therefore the use case wants to establish the smart infection control system (SmICS).







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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