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23 and 24 May 2024, Robert Koch Colloquium 2024 "On the Move: Public Health in a Globalized World"

23.05.2024, 14:00
24.05.2024, 15:00
Berlin lecture hall and online via WebEx Webinar (hybrid)

Robert Koch Colloquium 2024 "On the move: Public Health in a globalized world" (Quelle: RKI)

The Robert Koch Colloquium is an annual interdisciplinary lecture series, each year focusing on one specific innovative public health topic, such as Burden of Disease (2019), Public Health Surveillance (2021), Climate Change and Public Health (2022), and Social Inequities in Health (2023).

Each year, the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s national Public Health Institute, invites leading experts to present and discuss their area of work at the Robert Koch Colloquium. This year’s colloquium topic is “On the Move: Public Health in a Globalized World”. Over two days, a series of lectures addresses specific aspects of global mobility of pathogens and people. A final panel discussion with experts treats the implications of increased mobility on Public Health.

Within the context of a constantly changing global landscape, the interplay between mobility and public health becomes evident. As populations – whether voluntary or forced – cross borders of countries and continents, the transmission of communicable diseases as well as the occurrence and course of non-communicable diseases, are undergoing complex shifts. While the international spread of respiratory viruses poses challenges and implications for global pathogen control, the re-emergence of vaccine-preventable infections highlights the intricate relationship between human mobility and disease resurgence.
Recognising that health complexities transcend geographical boundaries, the diverse needs of mobile populations, including refugees, labour migrants and the homeless, demand a holistic understanding of health and an integrated approach of care. The mobility of people between healthcare systems, such as the transition between prison and the community, also requires a closer look: while the continuity of care and the transfer of health data within and outside health systems is challenging, this setting can provide a temporary opportunity to reach people for health care. The global nature of all these challenges requires international collaboration and knowledge sharing. While doing so, it is essential to include critical perspectives on the mobility of public health personnel and the contextual applicability of global health policies.

Thursday, 23 May 2024
13:00Arrival, Registration, Refreshments for on-site guests
14:00Official Start; Welcome and Greetings
14:10Richard Neher (University of Basel, Switzerland)
Topic: Spread and Immune Escape of Respiratory RNA Viruses
15:00Sylvain Brisse (Institut Pasteur, France)
Topic: Understanding the Reemergence of Vaccine-Preventable Bacterial Infections: Insights from Global Pathogen Genomics
15:50Coffee Break (30 min)
16:20Johanna Hanefeld (Robert Koch Institute)
Topic: Public health in a Mobile World: A Story of People, Pathogens, Knowledge and Services
17:15Reception for on-site guests
Friday, 24 May 2024
8:30Arrival and Registration
9:00Welcome - Summary Day 1
9:05Éamonn O’Moore (HPSC/HSE, Republic of Ireland)
Topic: Meeting the Challenges of Delivering High-Quality Healthcare to People in Prisons: Within the Prison Walls and through the Gate
9:55Alistair Story (University College London, United Kingdom)
Topic: Find & Treat – Experience of Integrated Outreach Service
10:45Coffee Break (30 min)
11:15Bernadette Nirmal Kumar (Norwegian Institute of Public Health)
Topic: Health of People on the Move – The Case of Refugees and Labour Migrants
12:10Lunch Break (1h)
13:10Panel Discussion: Implications of Increased Mobility on Public Health
Host: Jan-Martin Wiarda
Participants: Sylvain Brisse, Bernadette Nirmal Kumar, Anna Kühne (Universitätsklinikum und Medizinische Fakultät Carl Gustav Carus der TU Dresden), Viviane Bremer (Robert Koch Institute)






The Robert Koch Institute is a Federal Institute
within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Health

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